Transgender Menace

I'm Jack.

Hi, my name's Jack! I hate talking about myself so we'll keep this short and sweet. I've been hanging around the internet since I was in high school back in the early oughts under the handle Inyri Forge (yep, that was me). In 2015 I realized I was trans and have been living my best (and most handsome) life ever since.

Check out below for a list of frequently might be asked questions about me. FMAQs, if you will.

Where did the name Inyri Forge come from?

Some of you may know that Inyri Forge is a Star Wars character from the Expanded Universe books. What you may not know is that I had no particular affinity for the character. You see, I played Star Wars Galaxies at the time, and the character creator explicitly stated that it would not let you use an existing Star Wars character's name.

Challenge accepted!

Inyri Forge was the character I figured was obscure enough not to be filtered and whose name I didn't hate, so it became the name of my alt character. Over time, it shifted to my online identity.

Inyri Forge was the character I figured was obscure enough not to be filtered and whose name I didn't hate, so it became the name of my alt character. Over time, it shifted to my online identity.

Where did the name Vesaldi come from?

I am a gamer at heart and probably will be my whole life. Vesaldi is also a name I used for a video game character. I wanted to change my Twitter handle when I came out as a trans man, since Inyri Forge is just a (made up) woman's name and, while I still love it and cherish it, it didn't really fit anymore. I decided to name myself after my Final Fantasy XIVPlease play FFXIV with me. character, Rivayn Vesaldi. I actually wanted to use @rivayn but it was taken so I begrudgingly settled on my character's last name, @vesaldi. Of course now I love it, and it's wildly made up and means nothing so I don't really have to worry about anyone else using it!

I knew you as a modder. Do you still make mods?

Heavens no! I haven't touched any modding stuff in years and if I tried to pick it up now I'd have to relearn it all. As it says on the mod pages, you're free to use my mods (either in their entirety or their assets) in your own projects as long as you provide credit (even if the read-me file says otherwise), but I can't provide any mod support or create/update any mods.

I want to play Final Fantasy XIV with you! Can I?

[Insert that Friends gif of Rachel, Phoebe, and Ross all excitedly jumping up and down. You know the one.]

I mainly play on Faerie on the Aether data center, but you can check this page for a full list of my characters. Please come play with me. I will heal for you.



Find me elsewhere on the web!